Regulatory Documentation



The vision for a Council for Piercing and Tattoo professionals is to establish and maintain high standards of professionalism, safety, and hygiene within the industry.

This involves setting and enforcing codes of conduct, providing training and certification programs, promoting best practices for infection control, and advocating for the interests of the profession to government agencies, health organizations, and the public.

Overall, the goal of the council is to ensure that Piercing and Tattoo Professionals are recognized as skilled and responsible practitioners who provide safe and ethical services to their clients.

The mission of a council for Piercing and Tattoo Professionals is to promote and advance the piercing and tattoo industry by setting standards, providing education, and advocating for the profession. This includes:

Establishing and enforcing standards of professionalism, safety, and hygiene within the industry to protect the health and well-being of clients.

Providing education and training programs to ensure that piercing and tattoo professionals are knowledgeable about best practices, infection control, and other important aspects of their work.

Advocating for the interests of the profession to government agencies, health organizations, and the public, to ensure that piercing and tattoo professionals are recognized as skilled and responsible practitioners.

Supporting research and innovation in the field to advance the safety, quality, and effectiveness of piercing and tattoo techniques and technologies.

Fostering a sense of community among piercing and tattoo professionals, and promoting collaboration, communication, and mutual support within the industry.

Overall, the mission of a council for Piercing and Tattoo Professionals is to promote the highest standards of professionalism, safety, and ethical practice within the industry, and to ensure that piercing and tattoo professionals are respected and valued members of the broader healthcare community.


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Council for Piercing and Tattoo Professionals
Communitatem nos pro viribus nostris defendemus

(We are defending our community)



Address:  67 Saal Street, Zwavelpoort, Pretoria, 0081

Phone:  +27 84 250 1187
